Hi, I’m Claire. I’m a tutor at Westway Trust. Most of you will know me from teaching our teaching assistant course.

When I am not teaching, I love to do yoga. I have been going to yoga classes in local gyms and yoga centres for over 30 years. Before lockdown, I had never practised yoga on my own at home.

I decided to set myself a challenge of doing a yoga class every day during lockdown. I thought that this would help keep me fit, strong, healthy and relaxed. I follow a lovely teacher on YouTube called Adriene Mishler. I love her classes. She believes that yoga is about doing something that just simply makes you feel good. I can do them in my own time and they are all free. There is a class to suit absolutely everybody. There are 5 minute classes, chair yoga classes, relaxing classes and classes to help with stress and anxiety. I personally like to do her 30 day challenges.

If you want to try something new and keep fit, I would recommend yoga with Adriene!