Our board is made up of up to 12 Trustees.

In 2020, as a key part of our transformation, our board became community-led for the first time, with a majority of board members embedded in our local North Kensington community, including our Chair who was for the first time chosen via a community recruitment process.


Our trustees lead our organisation, by setting our strategy and providing oversight for our Executive team.

Our trustees are appointed in three different ways:

  • Openly recruited
  • Nominated by a member organisation
  • Nominated by RBKC

Our trustees abide by the Trustee Code of Conduct, which was adopted in 2023. 


In addition to our community-led board of trustees, our co-optees, who are not trustees, bring an additional level of expertise, experience and community insight. They may also bring specific skills or professional experience to any of our committees.

We draw our co-optees from the local community and beyond to offer support on the following committees:
  • Charitable Purposes Committee
  • Property & Place Committee
  • People Committee
  • Finance and Risk Committee

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