When lockdown started I could not meet my grandchildren, I had a lot of spare time and I couldn’t go out. I started to get bored, so me and my husband are spending more time in our garden and planting more seeds.

We look after our plants every day; I check if they need water and if they need a stick to stand. When they grow big I put them in a bigger pot.

We are growing many fruits and vegetables, like strawberries, grapes, tomatoes, green peppers, potatoes. I also have a small olive, a pomegranate and a loquat tree. Today I ate some organic sweet strawberries.

I use herbs from the garden in my cooking like mint, coriander and parsley.

I enjoy gardening with my husband, it is relaxing and peaceful. This year my favourite plants are my roses because they have very big and beautiful red flowers and they smell nice.

When I video-call my grandchildren I show them my garden, but I want them to come and enjoy the garden with us. We miss them so much.