In an effort to paint the fullest picture possible of the pressures North Kensington faces, Westway Trust at the end of last year commissioned renowned social research and economic development consultancy Hatch Regeneris to conduct broad-ranging research in the local area.

Using a variety of methods - including face-to-face interviews, workshops, and quantitative and qualitative approaches - Hatch have now compiled a report that mixes evidence-based economic analysis and social insight to better inform Westway Trust strategy and activities.

The research provides a detailed understanding of the breadth of services and facilities provided across the area and gives a clear indication of the characteristics and priorities of the community. Some key findings were: 

North Kensington is one of London's most densely populated and multi-cultural places with 39,000 residents from 120 countries
48% of pupils have first language that is not English
It has an aspiring and determined population constrained by a lack of inclusion and prosperity
Retail rent is around £70 per square foot in North Kensington compared to London average of £40 per square foot
There are a broad range of organisations and resources focused on supporting North Kensington's communities but concerns over their lack of collaboration.

The key conclusions were:

  • Westway Trust should focus its activity on areas where need is greatest and where it can deliver greatest value
  • Six priority areas have been identified: Isolation; spaces for young people; recreation and exercise; economic participation; arts and culture; the physical environment.
  • Hatch Associate Director Barney Cringle, who managed the project, said: "North Kensington is long established as one of inner London's most densely populated and culturally vibrant places.  
  • For the past six months we have been working alongside the Westway Trust to establish an up-to-date profile of the area and its communities.

"We have analysed a broad range of government and local datasets and spoken to nearly 50 representatives from across North Kensington to understand local perspectives and priorities for the future," he added.

Westway Trust CEO Alex Russell said: "The information Hatch Regeneris has compiled will really support the Trust in helping the area create its own future. It can help shape our activities so we can be an effective partner and enabler, helping local communities to achieve their aspirations.

"While we already focus on some of these issues it is enormously beneficial to get the detail, to learn of new gaps and to be able to laser-guide our work for maximum effect."

The research highlights other areas of concern - including mental health, financial resilience, crime and housing - where other organisations are taking a lead in North Kensington and suggests the Trust could work towards greater collaboration as partners.

 To see the Executive Summary click here: Westway Trust Socio-Economic and Community Research - Executive Summary.

If you would like any more information or a copy of the full report, email